Wetter-Warnungen, Lake Wylie Park


13.3. 10:19 AM 10:19 – 14.3. 0:00 AM 00:00

Special Weather Statement issued March 13 at 6:19AM EDT by NWS Greenville-Spartanburg SC Relative humidity is expected to decrease to near 25 percent across western North Carolina Thursday afternoon. Despite diminished winds, lingering dry vegetation will increase the potential for the start and spread of wildfires across the area. Please refer to your local burn permitting authorities whether you may burn outdoors. If you do burn outside, use extreme caution.

National Weather Service

Nächste 24 Stunden

Weltwetter heute

Höchstwerte & Tiefstwerte weltweit

Min Max

Mein Wetter


Wetter in North Carolina