- Ace Island
- Achook Island
- Adam Hill
- Adoption Point
- Aklaktuk Pingo
- Aklavik
- Aklavik Range
- Aklavik/Freddie Carmichael Airport
- Aklisuktuk Pingo
- Albert Islands
- Alert
- Alexander Milne Point
- Alexander Point
- Alexander Point
- Anderson Point
- Anderson Point
- Anderson River
- Anderson River Delta Bird Sanctuary
- Andersons Landing
- Armstrong Point
- Arnica Range
- Askew Islands
- Atkinson Point
- Aulavik National Park of Canada
- Avvaq Peninsula
- Axe Point
- Axel Island
- Back Butte
- Back Point
- Backbone Ranges
- Bailey Point
- Baillie Islands
- Baker Island
- Baker Point
- Ballast Beach
- Banks Island
- Banks Island No. 2 Bird Sanctuary
- Bare Pingo
- Barnard Point
- Bat Hills
- Beacon Point
- Bear Island
- Bear Island
- Bear Rock
- Beaulieu Island
- Beavertail Mountain
- Beavertail Point
- Bedford Point
- Bedzia Mountain
- Behchokǫ̀
- Bell Island
- Bell Ridge
- Bell Rock
- Belle Ile
- Belot Ridge
- Beluga Point
- Beluga Shoals
- Beniah Islands
- Beniah Rocks
- Bennett Point
- Berens Landing
- Berkeley Point
- Bernard House
- Bernard Island
- Berry Hill
- Berry Island
- Bertram Knoll
- Big Bluff
- Big Eagle Rock
- Big Horn Point
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Island
- Big Point
- Big Rock
- Big Spruce Hills
- Biggs Point
- Bigstone Point
- Birch Island
- Birch Island
- Birch Islands
- Birch Portage
- Black Rock
- Black Spruce Island
- Black Wolf Mountain
- Blanchet Island
- Bloomfield Point
- Blue Hills
- Blue Island
- Blueflower Mountain
- Bluesky Outfitting Aylmer Lake Lodge
- Bluff Island
- Boadway Island
- Boat Island
- Bold Bluff
- Bologna Ridge
- Bols Point
- Bonnieville Point
- Booth Island
- Booth Islands
- Borden Island
- Brabant Island
- Braithwaite Point
- Brant Island
- Breakwater Spit
- Breynat Islet
- Breynat Point
- Brock Island
- Brokenoff Mountain
- Brown Bluff
- Browning Point
- Brownings Landing
- Brûlé Point
- Bryan Island
- Buffalo River
- Buffalo Rocks
- Burdick Point
- Burial Island
- Burnt Island
- Burnt Island
- Burnt Island
- Burnt Island
- Burnt Islands
- Burnt Point
- Burnt Point
- Burnt Point
- Burnt Portage
- Burrow Islands
- Burwash Point
- Butte Island
- Cabin Islands
- Cache Island
- Cache Mountain
- Cache Point
- Cache Range
- Cairn Bluffs
- Callaghan Point
- Cameron Hills
- Cameron Point
- Camlaren
- Camp Farewell
- Campbell Island
- Camsell Range
- Canoe Island
- Canoe Island
- Canol
- Canrobert Hills
- Canyon Ranges
- Cap Mountain
- Cape Airy
- Cape Andreasen
- Cape Back
- Cape Banksland
- Cape Baring
- Cape Beechey
- Cape Beuchat
- Cape Buchan
- Cape Cam
- Cape Canning
- Cape Cardwell
- Cape Clarendon
- Cape Collins
- Cape Collinson
- Cape Crozier
- Cape Currie
- Cape Cyclops
- Cape Dalhousie
- Cape De Bray
- Cape Dundas
- Cape Edwards
- Cape Fisher
- Cape Frederick
- Cape Halse
- Cape Hay
- Cape Hemphill
- Cape Hoare
- Cape Hoppner
- Cape Island
- Cape James Ross
- Cape Kellett
- Cape Lambton
- Cape Larsen
- Cape Leopold M'Clintock
- Cape Ludlow Rich
- Cape Lyon
- Cape M'Clure
- Cape MacDonnel
- Cape Mackay
- Cape Malloch
- Cape Mamen
- Cape Manning
- Cape Mecham
- Cape Mudge
- Cape Murray
- Cape Nares
- Cape Norem
- Cape Parry
- Cape Parry
- Cape Parry Airport
- Cape Parry Migratory Bird Sanctuary
- Cape Parry, N. W. T.
- Cape Peter Richards
- Cape Phipps
- Cape Prince Alfred
- Cape Providence
- Cape Ptarmigan
- Cape Queenston
- Cape Russell
- Cape Sandom
- Cape Sangro
- Cape Scott
- Cape Smyth
- Cape Terrace
- Cape Treadwell
- Cape Vesey Hamilton
- Cape Victoria
- Cape Wolki
- Cape Wollaston
- Cape Wrottesley
- Carcajou Range
- Carcajou Ridge
- Carcajou Rock
- Caribou Hills
- Caribou Islands
- Caribou Pass
- Caribou Point
- Caribou Range
- Cartridge Plateau
- Casimir Island
- Castel Butte
- Castle Bluff
- Cathedral Mountain
- Cathedral Rock
- Catherine Point
- Char Point
- Charlie Hills
- Chief Nataway Peninsula
- Cinnamon Island
- Clapperton Island
- Clark Island
- Clay Point
- Cleverly Point
- Cliff Point
- Clumber Point
- Clut Island
- Coal Mine Bluffs
- Coast Point
- Cobalt Island
- Cold Island
- Collingwood Range
- Colquhoun Point
- Colville Lake
- Colville Lake
- Colville Lake/Tommy Kochon Aerodrome
- Colville Ridge
- Conn Island
- Conroy Islet
- Coppercap Mountain
- Cornwall Island
- Cowper Point
- Crag Point
- Crescent Bank
- Crescent Island
- Crosswise Island
- Crumbling Point
- Crystal Island
- Cunningham Landing
- Cut-Off Island
- Dahadinni Range
- Dall Range
- Dalton Island
- Dames Point
- Danger Island
- Dawson Landing
- Dawson Point
- Day Island
- Deas Thompson Point
- Deering Island
- Dehcho Island
- Dehdjida Island
- Deline
- Déline Airport
- Delorme Range
- Delthore Mountain
- Denis High Hill
- Denis Pingo
- Depot Island
- Dettah
- Devon Point
- Diamond Jenness Peninsula
- Diamond Rock
- Diavik Airport
- Diavik Diamond Mine
- Dickson Canyon
- Direction Mountain
- Disappointment Point
- Discovery
- Discovery Point
- Discovery Ridge
- Dodo Canyon
- Dodo Mountain
- Dog Head Point
- Doghead Peninsula
- Doghead Point
- Dogrib Rock
- Dolf Mountain
- Dome Peak
- Domville Point
- Dory Point
- Douglas Peninsula
- Dowdell Point
- Drift Point
- Driftwood Island
- Dry Canyon
- Dry Island
- Drybones Rocks
- Duck Hawk Bluffs
- Ducot Peak
- Dummit Islands
- Dundas Peninsula
- Durham Heights
- Dusky Range
- Eagle Bluff
- Eakti Diamond Mine
- East Bluff
- East Mirage Islands
- East Mountain
- Easter Lake
- Ebbutt Hills
- Echo Bay
- Eden Point
- Edgar Point
- Edzo
- Egg Island
- Eglinton Island
- Eight Bears Island
- Ekati Airport
- Ekka Island
- Ekwe Island
- El Capitan Hill
- Ellice Island
- Emerald Isle
- Enterprise
- Esbataottine Mountain
- Esker Point
- Etacho Point
- Etthen Island
- Etthengunneh Island
- Expeditor Reefs
- Face Point
- Faille Portage
- Fairchild Point
- False Point
- Fiji Island
- First Canyon
- First Carp Portage
- First Hills
- First Point
- Fish Island
- Fish Point
- Fishing Lake Portage
- Fitton Point
- Fitzwilliam Owen Island
- Five Mile Canyon
- Flagpole Point
- Flagstaff Hill
- Flat Island
- Flat River Canyon
- Flint Stone Range
- Flughafen Fort Simpson
- Flughafen Ulukhaktok-Holman
- Foam Point
- Ford Bay Airport
- Fort Collinson
- Fort Enterprise
- Fort Franklin
- Fort Good Hope
- Fort Good Hope Airport
- Fort Hearne Island
- Fort Hearne Point
- Fort Liard
- Fort Liard Airport
- Fort McPherson
- Fort Mcpherson Airport
- Fort Providence
- Fort Providence Airport
- Fort Reliance
- Fort Reliance
- Fort Reliance, N. W. T.
- Fort Resolution
- Fort Resolution Airport
- Fort Simpson
- Fort Smith
- Fort Smith Airport
- Fortress Island
- Fortress Mountain
- Found Island
- Four Mile Island
- Fourway Pass
- Fox Den Island
- Fox Point
- Franklin Mountains
- Franklin-Clarke Island
- Frenchy Island
- Funeral Range
- Gahcho Kue Aerodrome
- Gahcho Kue Diamond Mine
- Gamèti
- Gamètì/Rae Lakes Airport
- Gardiner Point
- Gargoyle Ridge
- Garry Island
- Gaudet Island
- George Island
- George Islands
- Geyser Pingo
- Ghost Island
- Giants Causeway
- Gibraltar Point
- Gibson Peak
- Gibson Ridge
- Giddie Point
- Gifford Island
- Golby Island
- Goldsmid Point
- Good Hope Ridge
- Goodfellow Point
- Goose Island
- Goose Neck
- Goose Point
- Gooseberry Island
- Gordon Point
- Gordon Point
- Gore Islands
- Goshodedele Mountain
- Gossan Island
- Gothe Island
- Grant Point
- Grassy Island
- Grassy Island
- Grassy Islands
- Grassy Point
- Gravel Island
- Great Bear Lake Airport
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Island
- Green Islands
- Greene Point
- Griffiths Point
- Grizzly Bear Mountain
- Gros Cap
- Gros Cap
- Ground Squirrel Mountain
- Gull Island
- Gull Islets
- Gwaatlit Hill
- Gypsum Island
- Gypsum Point
- Gyrfalcon Bluff
- H.M.C.S. Mackenzie Island
- Hadwen Island
- Halcro Point
- Halfway Islands
- Hanbury Portage
- Hanna Island
- Hanson Island
- Hardie Island
- Hardinge Mountains
- Hardisty Island
- Harris Island
- Harrison Island
- Haswell Point
- Hay Point
- Hay River
- Hay River Dene 1
- Hay River Point
- Hay River/Merlyn Carter Airport
- Headless Range
- Hearne Point
- Hendrickson Island
- Hepburn Spit
- High Island
- High Point
- Hill of Barra
- Hogarth Island
- Holman Island
- Hooper Island
- Hooper Island
- Hoosier Ridge
- Horizon Islets
- Horn Plateau
- Hornby Point
- Hornby Point
- Horncastle Point
- Horseshoe Island
- Houghton Head
- House Point
- Hub Islet
- Hume Island
- Hump Island
- Humphries Head
- Ibyuk Pingo
- Icy Portage
- Ikanyo Island
- Ikpisugyuk Point
- Ile Desmarais
- Ile du Mort
- Iles Basses
- Iles du Goulet
- Iles du Large
- Immerk Island
- Imnaugaluit Hills
- Imperial Hills
- Inner Island
- Inner Whaleback Rocks
- Inner Whaleback Rocks
- Innes Island
- Inuvik
- Inuvik (Mike Zubko) Airport
- Investigator Island
- Investigator Point
- Ireland's Eye
- Iron Islands
- Island A
- Island B
- Island C
- Island D
- Isle of Pines
- Iteh K'ee Island
- Iverson Range
- Ives Point
- Jackfish Islands
- Jackfish Ridge
- Jackson Islands
- Jacques Range
- Jaeger Island
- James Shoal
- Jata eta Mountain
- Jean Marie River
- Jean Marie River Airport
- Jenness Island
- John Point
- John Point
- Johnson Point
- Jolliffe Island
- Joma Rock
- Jones Landing
- Jones Point
- Judith Island
- Juncas Island
- Jurassic Butte
- Kahochella Peninsula
- Kai Island
- Kakisa
- Kam Point
- Kamakark Island
- Kangirkualuk Point
- Kasba Lake Airport
- Kaytay Mountain
- Keats Point
- Kechinta Island
- Kee Scarp
- Keith Island
- Kellett Point
- Kellett Sandspit
- Kellett Shoal
- Kelly Point
- Kendall Island
- Kendall Island Bird Sanctuary
- Kiktoreak Point
- Kittigazuit
- Kluziai Island
- Knife Point
- Kokeragi Point
- Kotaneelee Range
- Kriterk Point
- Kroger Island
- Krys Point
- La Biche Range
- LaBine Point
- Lac La Martre
- Laity Island
- Lampham Rock
- Lands End
- Langley Island
- Latham Island
- Leffingwell Crags
- Leith Peninsula
- Leroux Island
- Les Iles Terribles
- Letty Harbour
- Liard Plateau
- Liard Range
- Lichen Ridge
- Limestone Hill
- Limestone Point
- Linaluk Island
- Lionel Island
- Liot Point
- Little Bear Island
- Little Chicago
- Lobstick Island
- Lobstick Island
- Loch Point
- Logan Mountains
- Lone Mountain
- Lonely Point
- Lonely Point Shoal
- Long Island
- Long Island
- Long Island Shoals
- Long Point
- Lookout Mountain
- Lookout Point
- Loretta Canyon
- Louise Islands
- Lousy Point
- Louth Bay Airfield
- Lower Canyon
- Lower Island
- Lower Ramparts
- Lucas Point
- Lutselk'e Airport
- M'Clintock Point
- M'Leay Point
- Mac Island
- Macdougall Point
- MacFarlane Island
- MacKay Range
- Mackenzie Delta
- Mackenzie Island
- Mackenzie King Island
- Mackenzie Mountains
- Mackenzie Rock
- MacQuade Island
- Mahogany Point
- Maitland Point
- Malloch Hill
- Malloch Hill Airfield
- Malrok Point
- Manetoe Range
- Manitou Island
- Manitou Island
- Manson Point
- Marie Heights
- Martha Point
- Martin Hills
- Martin House
- Martin Island
- Matheson Island
- Matonabbee Point
- Maufelly Point
- Maunoir Dome
- Maunoir Ridge
- May Point
- McConnell Island
- McConnell Island
- McConnell Range
- McDonald Cliff
- McDougall Pass
- McGern Island
- McIver Point
- McKay Island
- McKay Lakes
- McKinley Point
- Meek Point
- Melville Hills
- Melville Island
- Meridian Island
- Middle Cranberry Island
- Middle Island
- Middle Point
- Middle Rocks
- Mingnuk Point
- Mirage Point
- Mission Island
- Mission Island
- Moore Islands
- Moose Deer Island
- Moose Deer Rocks
- Moose Island
- Moose Prairie
- Moraine Hill
- Moraine Point
- Morgan Bluffs
- Mosher Island
- Mosquito Berry Hill
- Mossey Island
- Mossy Lake Portage
- Mould Bay
- Mould Bay Airport
- Mould Bay Camp
- Mount Appler
- Mount Bell
- Mount Berg
- Mount Bruat
- Mount Burrell
- Mount Clark
- Mount Coty
- Mount Dahadinni
- Mount Eduni
- Mount Effie
- Mount Flett
- Mount Gaudet
- Mount Gifford
- Mount Goodenough
- Mount Hamar
- Mount Hamelin
- Mount Hamilton Gault
- Mount Harrison Smith
- Mount Haywood
- Mount Hooker
- Mount Hunt
- Mount Ida
- Mount Kindle
- Mount Kraft
- Mount Lang
- Mount Mason-Wood
- Mount Morrow
- Mount Mulhulland
- Mount Phayre
- Mount Richard
- Mount Sidney Dobson
- Mount Sir James MacBrien
- Mount St Charles
- Mount Steiner
- Mount Thomas
- Mount Yakkay
- Murray Island
- Murray Ridge
- Museum Range
- Muskox Hill
- Mystery Island
- Nagiyuligaluk Hill
- Nahanni Butte
- Nahanni Butte
- Nahanni Mountain
- Nahanni National Park Reserve of Canada
- Nahanni National Park World Heritage Site
- Nahanni Plateau
- Nahanni Range
- Nallok Point
- Naoyat Cliff
- Naparotalik Spit
- Narakay Islands
- Narrow Island
- Natkusiak Peninsula
- Naylor Island
- Naylors Landing
- Negus Point
- Nelson Head
- Net Point
- Netla
- Nias Point
- Nicholson Island
- Nicholson Point
- Niglintgak Island
- Nisbet Point
- Niutungiak Peninsula
- Norman Range
- Norman Wells
- Norman Wells Airport
- North Cranberry Island
- North Hanna Island
- North Head
- North Head
- North Hill
- North Peak
- North Point
- North Storm Hills
- North Superstition Island
- Northeast Hill
- Norway Island
- Nuvorak Point
- Obre Lake/North of Sixty Airport
- Observation Point
- Ogilvie Island
- Okak Island
- Old Baldy
- Old Fort Island
- Old Fort Island
- Old Fort Point
- Old Fort Providence
- Old Fort Rae
- Olivier Islands
- Ooligbuck Point
- Outer Whaleback Rocks
- Outpost Islands
- Ovis Ridge
- Page Point
- Paige Mountain
- Painted Mountains
- Parc national du Canada Aulavik
- Parc national du Canada Tuktut Nogait
- Parc national du Canada Wood Buffalo
- Parker Point
- Parkes Bluff
- Parkhurst Peninsula
- Parry Islands
- Parry Peninsula
- Parry Point
- Parry Rock
- Passage Point
- Patricia Island
- Paulatuk
- Paulatuk (Nora Aliqatchialuk Ruben) Airport
- Paulatuk Automated Reporting Station
- Paulette Island
- Paynaychee Mountain
- Pearce Point
- Pearce Point Airfield
- Pearson Point
- Pedaytayshe Mountain
- Pedder Point
- Peddie Point
- Peel Point
- Pekanatui Point
- Pelly Island
- Pelly Island Automatic Weather Reporting System
- Pelly Island/Nipterk Base
- Pemmican Point
- Peninsula Point
- Pennell Point
- Perry Island
- Perseverance Point
- Peter Bank
- Pethei Peninsula
- Petitot Islands
- Phillips Island
- Phillips Island
- Pilot Islands
- Pine Point
- Pine Point
- Pitt Island
- Plains of Abraham
- Point a Tuer
- Point Busse
- Point Island
- Point Leith
- Point Sarristo
- Point Separation
- Point Stivens
- Pointe de Misère
- Pointe de Roche
- Pointe Desmarais
- Pointe du Lac
- Pointe Ennuyeuse
- Pointed Hill
- Pointed Mountain
- Police Flat
- Police Island
- Police Point
- Polynia Islands
- Porsild Pingo
- Portage Point
- Post Island
- Preble Island
- Presqu'ile Point
- Price Point
- Prince Albert Peninsula
- Prince Patrick Island
- Princess Royal Islands
- Promontory Peak
- Prospect Island
- Providence Island
- Providence Point
- Ptarmigan Point
- Ptarmigan Point
- Pullen Island
- Pulpit Rock
- Pulsating Pingo
- Pyramid Mountain
- Rabbit Island
- Rabbit Island
- Racing Island
- Rader Island
- Rae
- Rae Island
- Rae Lakes
- Rae Point
- Rae-Edzo
- Rae/Edzo Airport
- Ragged Range
- Raglan Range
- Rainbow Arch
- Ram Plateau
- Rampart Island
- Ramparts Plateau
- Ramsay Island
- Range Island
- Ranney Hill
- Raspberry Point
- Rat River
- Rayuka Island
- Red Cliffs
- Red Dog Mountain
- Redcliff Island
- Redrock Point
- Redstone Plateau
- Redstone Range
- Reef Point
- Refuge d'oiseaux de l'Île-Banks-Numéro-Deux
- Refuge d'oiseaux du Delta de la rivière Anderson
- Reindeer Islands
- Reindeer Point
- Reindeer Station
- Relief Islet
- René Point
- Réserve de parc national du Canada Nahanni
- Reynolds Point
- Richards Island
- Richards Point
- Richardson Island
- Richardson Mountains
- Risky Peak
- Ritch Island
- Robillard Island
- Roche-qui-trempe-à-l'eau
- Rocher River
- Rocher Rouge Island
- Rock Island
- Rockslide Pass
- Rocky Island
- Rodd Head
- Rouge Mountain
- Rouge Range
- Round Island
- Round Island
- Russell Point
- Ruth Island
- Rymer Islet
- Sabine Peninsula
- Sabourin Point
- Sachowia Point
- Sachs Harbour
- Sachs Harbour (David Nasogaluak Jr. Saaryuaq) Airport
- Sachs Harbour, N. W. T.
- Saddleback Point
- Sakvalunat Point
- Saline Island
- Salt Mountain
- Salt Plains 195
- Salt River
- Samuel Point
- Sand Hills
- Sandy Point
- Sandy Point
- Sandy Portage
- Saneraun Hills
- Sapper Ranges
- Sardlat Island
- Savage Head
- Saviktok Point
- Sawmill Bay
- Sawmill Island
- Sawmill Mountain
- Sayunei Range
- Scented Grass Hills
- Schuyter Point
- Sea Otter Island
- Seagull Island
- Seal Camp Beach
- Seal Island
- Second Canyon
- Second Carp Portage
- Sekwi Canyon
- Sekwi Mountain
- Sekwi Range
- Selwyn Mountains
- Sentinel Point
- Seton Island
- Seven Islands Crossing
- Shaler Mountains
- Shattered Range
- Sheep Mountain
- Shegonla Hills
- Shellabear Point
- Shelter Island
- Shezal Canyon
- Shiltee Rock
- Shingle Point
- Ship Island
- Shoal Point
- Shore Pingo
- Siksik Hill
- Siksik Point
- Sikskik Island
- Silent Hills
- Simons Island
- Simpson Islands
- Sinclair Island
- Singigyuak Hill
- Site du patrimoine mondial du Parc national Nahanni
- Site du patrimoine mondial du Parc national Wood Buffalo
- Six Mile Island
- Skead Bluff
- Skiff Point
- Slave Point
- Slave Point Shoals
- Smith Island
- Smith Ridge
- Smoking Hills
- Snap Lake Airport
- Snap Lake Diamond Mine
- Snow Goose Knoll
- Snow Hill
- Snowpatch Point
- Sombre Mountains
- Sosan Island
- Source Peaks
- South Cranberry Island
- South Storm Hills
- South Superstition Island
- South West Gore Island
- Southbound Ridge
- Split Pingo
- Sproule Peninsula
- Spruce Island
- Spruce Island
- Spruce Point
- Spur Islands
- St. Paul Point
- St. Roch Island
- Stanley Island
- Stanley Point
- Stanton
- Stelfox Mountain
- Stevens Head
- Stevens Island
- Stewart Point
- Stick Pingo
- Stony Island
- Stony Pass
- Stony Plateau
- Stratigrapher Cliffs
- Strong Point
- Sub Islands
- Sugar Loaf Mountain
- Sugarloaf Island
- Sulpher Islet
- Sulphur Point
- Summer Island
- Sun Hill Island
- Sunblood Mountain
- Sunblood Range
- Sungukpaluk Hill
- Sunset Peak
- Svenson Shoal
- Swan Point
- Swan Point
- Swimming Point
- Symmetry Mountain
- Table Hills
- Table Mountain
- Taglu Island
- Taltheilei Narrows Airport
- Tawu Range
- Ten Mile Island
- Ten Stone Mountain
- Ten Stone Range
- Tern Island
- Terra Ridge
- Terror Island
- The Gate
- The Grand View
- The Hook
- The Ramparts
- The Redoubt
- The Twisted Mountain
- Thelon Game Sanctuary
- Third Canyon
- Thompson Landing
- Thumb Island
- Thumb Point
- Thundercloud Range
- Tibjak Point
- Tigonankweine Range
- Tin Can Hill
- Tlogotsho Range
- Toker Pingo
- Toker Point
- Toothbrush Island
- Topkak Point
- Topkak Shoal
- Trail Valley , N. W. T.
- Traill Point
- Trapp Hills
- Treasure Island
- Triangle Island
- Triple Pingo
- Trout Lake
- Trout Lake
- Trout Rock
- Truesdell Island
- Tsezotene Range
- Tsiigehtchic
- Tuft Point
- Tuktoyaktuk
- Tuktoyaktuk Automated Reporting Station
- Tuktoyaktuk Island
- Tuktoyaktuk James Gruben Airport
- Tuktoyaktuk Peninsula
- Tuktut Nogait National Park of Canada
- Tulita
- Tulita Airport
- Tullett Point
- Tunago Ridge
- Tundra Ridge
- Tungsten
- Tungsten Mountain
- Tununuk Point
- Turnabout Point
- Twelve Mile Island
- Twin Buttes
- Twin Buttes Point
- Twin Peaks
- Two Cones Mountain
- Two Islands
- Tyrrell Point
- Tysoe Point
- Ukalikpialuk Hills
- Ulukhaktok
- Uluksartok Bluff
- Union Island
- Upper Canyon
- Utsingi Point
- Uyarukaluk Rock
- Vale Island
- Vale Point
- Vampire Peaks
- Vance Peninsula
- Vermilion Ridge
- Victoria Island
- Victoria Island
- Village Point
- Waite Island
- Wakeham Point
- Wallace Point
- Warren Point
- Washington Islands
- Waterfalls Route
- Web Island
- Wekweètì
- Wekweètì Airport
- West Hill
- West Mirage Islands
- West Mountain
- West Point
- Westhead Islands
- Whale Bluffs
- Whale Point
- Whatì
- Whatì Airport
- White Man's Point
- White Partridge Island
- Whitebeach Point
- Whitefish Pingo
- Whitefish Station
- Whitlock Island
- Whitney Rock
- Whittaker Range
- Whittington Island
- Willard Island
- William Point
- Williams Island
- Williams Peak
- Williamson Island
- Willoughby Point
- Willow Point
- Willow Point
- Willow Ridge
- Wilson Island
- Windbreaker Peak
- Windy Island
- Windy Point
- Wollaston Peninsula
- Wolley Point
- Wood Buffalo National Park of Canada
- Wood Buffalo National ParkWorld HeritageSite
- Woodman Head
- Woodward Point
- Workman Island
- Worksop Point
- Worth Point
- Wrigley
- Wrigley Airport
- Wrigley Plateau
- Wrigley Point